The aim of Foundation Child is to promote a child-centered culture through a close examination of the causes and treatments of physical and mental diseases, as well as of behavioral and mood difficulties in children and adolescents.
At the moment, ERICE group is working on an emergency project aimed at an intervention to help children and families affected by the last conflict in Gaza.
The Warsaw Statement aims to establish a coordinated network that can protect children and adolescents not only in the current crisis but also in future emergencies.
The Foundation Child for Study and Research into Childhood and Adolescence was created in 1998 with the contribution of “S.O.S. Il Telefono Azzurro – National Helpline for the Prevention of Child Abuse”.
Foundation Child organizes several events for young researchers in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychiatry.
A Master program in evaluation and intervention in situations of child abuse and pedophilia and other publications
Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.